The Collectorate play a pivotal role in the District administration. Collector in the Cadre of I.A.S heads the District. He acts as the District Magistrate for maintaining Law and Order in his jurisdiction. He deals mainly with planning and development, law and order, scheduled areas/agency areas, general elections, arms licensing etc.
The Joint Collector who also belongs to the I.A.S Cadre runs the Revenue administration under various enactments in the District. He is also designated as Additional District Magistrate. He mainly deals with civil supplies, land matters, mines and minerals, village officers etc.
The District Revenue Officer (DRO) in the Cadre of Special Grade Deputy Collectors assists the Collector and Joint Collector in discharging their duties. The District Revenue Officer looks after all the branches of the Collectorate. He deals mainly with general administration and is vested with supervision of day-to-day functions of the Collectorate.
The administrative Officer in the rank of a Tahsildar is the general assistant to the Collector. He directly supervises all the sections in the Collectorate and most of the files are routed through him.
The Collectorate is divided into 8 sections as per the administrative reforms taken up by the Government of Telangana. An alphabet letter is given to each section for easy reference.
- Section A :: Deals with >>>>Establishment of Tahsildars/Dy.Tahsildars/Sr.Assts,- Transfers and Postings-Sanction of leaves-Performance Indicators.
- Establishment of Jr.Asst.,/Typists/VROs/ & Lower cadre transfers & Postings.
- Compassionate appointments-Displaced persons Employment.
- Office Procedure- File disposal-Maintenance of Attendance-Turn duty-Leaves Account.
- Disiplinary cases of all Revenue employees
- Propert Statements
- Maintenance of collectorate Records Room
- Maintenance of Computers
- Section B :: Deals with >> Preparation of Pay bills
- Fixation of pensions & Gratuity
- GPF,LIF,GIS Loans & Advances
- Budget-Reconcillation-Number Statment.
- Medical Reimbursement-LTC-Income Tax.
- Accounts And Cash Book.
- Audit & Audit Paras.
- Section C :: Deals with >> Law & Order.
- Atrocities againest S.Cs/S.Ts & POA/PCR Act.
- Cinematography Act.
- Christian Marriage Licenses.
- Freedom Fighters Pension-SSSP
- Verification of cast Certificates.
- Verification of Character & Antecedents
- District level Screening Committee
- Governaments Exams
- Law Officers
- State Functions
- Elections-Photo Electorol Roll
- Arms Act
- Petroleum Product Act
- Explosives Act
- Mines & Minarals
- Section D :: Deals with >> Village Accounts
- Jama bandi.
- Rocord Of Rights & ROR Appeals
- Irrigation (Major & Minor)
- Water Users
- Suicidal Deaths.
- Prime Ministers Relief
- Land Revenue
- NALA Collections
- Revenue Recovery Act
- Apath Bandhu
- Gruha Raksha-Housing Collapses
- Sessonal Conditions
- Natural Calamities & Relief
- Drinking Water
- Help Line
- Mee Seva-LRMIS-FMS-Computerization of Land Records
- Section E :: Deals with >> Assignment of Govt Land
- Alienation of Govt Land
- Transfer of Govt. Lands.
- Land Encroachment
- Koneru Rangarao Committee
- Evacue Property
- Section F :: Deals with >> Tenancy & Inam Appeals
- Endowmwnts & Dist.Gazetts
- Grant-in-Aid for Masjids and Eedgas
- Muncipalities
- Stamps and Registration Act.
- Cencus.
- Suits
- Section G :: Deals with >> General Land Acquisition
- Land Acquisition for House Sites
- Section H :: Deals with >> Visits of VIPs
- Protocol
- Govt.Vehicles and Govt.Buildings.
- Chief Ministers Relief Fund.
- GB Cell:H3
- Redressal of Grevances (CMGB,Collector GB)
- Prajavani Grevances