
Abstract Thumkunta Income Municipal Corporation

Sl No  Income Head  Actual Income for the F.Y. 2018-19 Budget Estimations for the F.Y. 2019-20  Actual Income as on 31-01-2020 Revised Budget Estimation for the F.Y. 2019-20  Budget Estimates for the F.Y. 2020-21  
Municipal Own Revenue 
  A.Tax Resources           
1 Taxes   536.66  506.60  246.00  386.50  426.50
2 Assigned Revenue  –   –    258.70   300.00   300.00
  Total (1+2)   536.66     506.60   504.70      686.50     726.50
  B.Non Taxes Resources           
1 Rental Income           39.69           73.50     102.56            106.81             59.25
2 Public Health/Sanitation section receipts            1.56             7.40          1.56                 2.05             41.05
3 Town Planning section receipts          21.95         110.00     138.98            142.00          182.50
4 Engineering Section             0.15           45.45       50.38               40.40             40.40
  Total(1+2+3+4)          63.35         236.35     293.48            291.26          323.20
  Grand Total (A+B)    600.01     742.95  798.18        977.76   1,049.70
  C.Deposits and Loans             2.52             6.46       18.10               20.30             20.40
Capital project Funds 
  i. Non Plan Grants                  –                    –         56.85               26.60          265.60
  ii.Plan Grants                  –                    –                –                 26.60          450.60
  iii.Other Grants                  –                    –                –                       –            150.00
  Total (i+ii+iii)                 –                    –         56.85               53.20          866.20
  Grand Total (MGF and CPF)     602.53      749.41   873.13      1,051.26    1,936.30