
Abstract Income Medchal Municipality

Sl.No Income Head Actual Income for the F.Y. 2018-19  Budget Estimations for the F.Y . 2019-20 Actual  Income as on 31-01-2020 Revised  Budget Estimations  for the F. Y. 2019-20  Budget Estimations for the F. Y.2020-21
Municipal own Revenue
  A. Tax Resources          
1 Taxes 421.86 593.00 319.82 588.00 786.70
2 Assigned Revenues 0.00 352.00 135.00 237.00 352.00
  Total (1+2) 421.86 945.00 454.82 825.00 1138.70
   B. Non Taxes Resources          
1 Rental income 312.17 315.50 357.27 376.35 460.50
2 Public health/Sanitation section receipts 6.59 14.00 3.30 10.25 34.50
3 Town Planning section receipts 53.07 413.00 496.51 699.64 871.50
4 Engineering Section 37.02 191.00 23.58 56.50 162.00
  Total (1+2+3+4) 408.85 933.50 880.66 1142.74 1528.50
  Grand Total (A+B) 830.71 1878.50 1335.48 1967.74 2667.20
  C. Deposits and Loans 14.74 27.00 81.15 90.00 151.00
  Total © 845.45 1905.50 1416.63 2057.74 2818.20
 Capital project Funds
  i. Non Plan Grants 0.00 450.00 0.00 267.00 500.00
  ii. Plan Grants 0.00 260.00 171.03 187.00 594.00
  iii.Other Grants 0.00 370.00 0.00 161.00 279.50
  Total (i+ii+iii) 0.00 1080.00 171.03 615.00 1373.50
  Grand Total (MGF and CPF) 845.45 2985.50 1587.66 2672.74 4191.70