
Abstract Income Nizampet Municipal Corporation

Sl.No Income Head Actual Income for the F.Y. 2018-19  Budget Estimations for the F.Y . 2019-20 Actual  Income as on 31-01-2020 Revised  Budget Estimations  for the F. Y. 2019-20  Budget Estimations for the F. Y.2020-21
Municipal own Revenue
  A. Tax Resources          
1 Taxes 1798 3372 1827.69 3346.74 4035
2 Assigned Revenues 1000 3000 600 1000 1800
  Total (1+2) 2798 6372 2427.69 4346.74 5835
   B. Non Taxes Resources          
1 Rental income 1 55 0 55 792
2 Public health/Sanitation section receipts 46.7 214 10.8 214 314
3 Town Planning section receipts 623.15 1515 441.64 1515 1232
4 Engineering Section 515.13 643 0 643 532
  Total (1+2+3+4) 1185.98 2427 452.44 2427 2870
  Grand Total (A+B) 3983.98 8799 2880.13 6773.74 8705
  C. Deposits and Loans 0 97.78 2.5 5 40
 Capital project Funds
  i. Non Plan Grants 0 2000 0 2000 240
  ii. Plan Grants 0 1250 0 1250 824
  iii.Other Grants 0 800 19.8 800 0
  Total (i+ii+iii) 0 4050 19.8 4050 1064
  Grand Total (MGF and CPF) 3983.98 12849 2899.93 10823.74 9769