
Abstract Expenditure Thumkunta Municipal Corportion

Sl No  Expenditure Head  Actual Expenditure for the F.Y. 2018-19 Budget Estimations for the F.Y. 2019-20  Actual Expenditure as on 31-01-2020 Revised Budget Estimation for the F.Y. 2019-20  Budget Estimates for the F.Y. 2020-21  
Municipal Revenue – Charges /Maintenance Expenditure 
A.Charges Expenditure           
1 Wages and Salaries                      77.12                      156.15                149.09                               –                                 –  
2 Sanitation and Maintenance                       18.17                      160.65                  38.80                               –                                 –  
3 Power Charges                             –                                 –                           –                                 –    
4 Loan Repayments                             –                                 –                           –                                 –                                 –  
5 Green Budjet Expenditure (10%)                      13.12                        74.34                  82.83                               –                                 –  
  Total (1+2+3+4+5)                   108.41                      391.14                270.72                               –                                 –  
B.Other Maintenance Expenditure           
1 Engineering Section Maintenance Expenditure                             –                                 –                           –                                 –    
2 General Administration Expenditure                             –                                 –                           –                                 –                                 –  
3 Town Planning section Expenditure                            –                                 –                           –                                 –    
  Total(1+2+3)                            –                                 –                           –                                 –                                 –  
II- Municipal Revenue – Capital Expenditure 
C 1/3 rd Balance Budget Expenditure                             –                                 –                           –                                 –    
D Public amenities Expenditure                             –                                 –                           –                                 –                                 –  
E Ward Wise Work Expenditure                             –                                 –                           –                                 –    
  Total (C+D+E)                            –                                 –                           –                                 –                                 –  
  Grand Total (MGF- Charged , Maintenance & Capital)          
III.Deposits and Loans 
F Deposits and Loans                             –                             5.87                         –                          15.00                        15.00
  Total                            –                             5.87                         –                          15.00                        15.00
IV.Capital Project Funds 
  i. Non Plan Grants           
  ii.Plan Grants           
  iii.Other Grants           
  Total (i+ii+iii)          
  Grand Total (I+II+III+IV)