
Abstract Expenditure Nizampet Municipal Corporation

Sl.No Expenditure Head Actual Expenditure for the F. Y. 2018-19  Budget Estimations  for the F. Y. 2019-20 Actual  Expenditure as on 31-01-2020 Revised  Budget Estimations for the F. Y.  2019-20  Budget Estimations for the F. Y.  2020-21
I.Municipal Revenue – Charges / Maintenance Expenditure
A. Charged Expenditure           
1 Wages and Salaries 710.11 1125.00 488.44 1112.00 1275.00
2 Sanitation Maintenance Expenditure 78.91 172.00 75.75 219.00 632.30
3 Power Charges 89.48 325.00 90.50 325.00 405.00
4 Loan repayments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1317.00
5 Green Budget Expenditure (10%) 0.00 0.00 3.82 4.00 894.50
  Total (1+2+3+4+5) 878.50 1622.00 658.51 1660.00 4523.80
 B. Other Maintenance Expenditure          
1 Engineering Section Maintenance Expenditure 686.70 1250.00 295.46 1282.25 1390.00
2 General Administration Expenditure 1.56 140.40 75.40 169.31 261.00
3 Town Planning Section Expenditure 0.00 52.00 0.00 52.00 151.00
  Total (1+2+3+4) 688.26 1442.40 370.86 1503.56 1802.00
II.Municipal Revenue – Capital Expenditure 
C. 1/3rd Balance Budget Expenditure 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 793.07
D. Public amenities Expenditure  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 950.00
E. Ward Wise Work Expenditure 1104.73 3168.00 160.66 0.00 1115.00
  Total (C+D+E) 1104.73 3168.00 160.66 0.00 2858.07
  Grand Total (MGF – Charged, Maintenance & Capital) 2671.49 6232.40 1190.03 3163.56 9183.87
III.Deposits and Loans
F. Deposits and Loans 0.00 97.78 0.00 0.00 40.00
  Total  0.00 97.78 0.00 0.00 40.00
IV. Capital project Funds
  i. Non Plan Grants 0.00 0.00 0.00 2000.00 240.00
  ii. Plan Grants 0.00 0.00 0.00 1250.00 824.00
  iii.Other Grants 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00
  Total (i+ii+iii) 0.00 0.00 0.00 4050.00 1064.00
  Grand Total (I+II+III+IV) 2671.49 6232.40 1190.03 7213.56 10247.87